Tuesday 2 April 2013

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My idea was to produce a promotion pack which would all fit well together giving a clear brand image fitting with my target audience which is ranging from 13 - 25 boys and girls. My style was Rnb/Pop, this was not an easy style to market because Rnb is quite random in its redundant forms from music video to digipak however with pop it is all very similar to one another. When researching I decided I wanted mine to be both entropic and redundant to the marketing of this style. My brand identity was based around the artist because she is the main focus in the marketing package. It is important to have a brand identity because then you will form a relationship with the audience as they will begin to see similarities in all of the marketing package feeling like they are getting to know the real artist. It becomes more distinct to the audience. I tried to keep a theme going throughout my projects. I wanted to ensure they all had a few similar features however not exactly the same. I felt I wanted to represent women to be strong and independent which I feel I successfully did. For my digipak I used a boxing theme because I feel it connotes exactly how I wanted to represent the artist. I feel most artists in this genre are alpha-female and independent so I wanted the same for my artist. However I included male gaze in all because I feel although the artists are alpha-females they are still not as strong as men and still have the element of being there to look at. I did this by having images of the models midriff to sexual her for men. I used black and white images which I also incorporated into my music video. I used this because I wanted to make the writing bolder than my image, I also wanted the model to look attractive without the use of bright colours or any distractions. In my music video I used black and white during the funny shots because I felt it made the video more light-hearted and I wanted to continue this theme throughout. We used harsh colour contrasts to ensure it stayed redundant to the genre, e.g. black and white backgrounds. This was an effect we liked from Azealia Banks -212 music video. The sporting element of the products is a reoccurring one because the original setting for the music video was a boxing ring however we were unable to get hold of one which would let us use theirs so we had to go with a back up setting. After this news I had to rework my digipak and advert to ensure the three products would be similar to each. I did this by using the same costumes. I didn't want to use the beanie because I don't feel it would give a redundant feel to most rnb/pop music videos as the girls normally wear minimal clothing. The cinematography fits well throughout because i used very similar shots all being mid-close ups. These shots shows intertextuality which is the relationship between texts, i feel doing this meant my texts would fit better together having similarities. Our video carried through exactly how i wanted to connote the artists personality, fun, outgoing, determined, strong and independent  in my digipak i showed this through the use of boxing because with boxing comes the stigma behind it being the women who box are alpha-females, strong and independent. In the music video there were lots of scenes which connoted this persona such as when the artist was outside the shop and put her hood up and began dancing with no care in the world. Also the action shots of her working out as if she is training for a fight, i included this so the audience could think about the similarities of the products. Although i wanted to connote those elements about her i also included lots of male gaze and lots of humorous shots to make it not only appeal to men but also teenage girls to widen my audience. Another reason for why i chose to use the boxing theme was because the song is called 'Born To Fly' which reminded me of Muhammed Ali's catchphrase 'Float like a butterflysting like a bee' i thought this would be a really good idea for the music video too however i was unable to get hold of a boxing ring to do this but to make the texts fit together i included some fitness shots and my digipak was very boxing based. 

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