Wednesday 19 December 2012


In our music video we have decided we are going to have a small amount of choreography for the dancing because it is redundant to our genre. My friend Bryony does all kinds of dance from tap to cheer leading so we have asked her if she can create a small routine for us to use in the video, she is keen to help which will make our video look much more professional. We haven't decided yet if we are going to have backing dancers so we will sort that before creating the dance, the short takes of the artist will require some movement which will be choreographed however that is very simple and may not require Bryony as we could decide ourselves. I have discussed with Bryony our idea and she is happy to help, she is going to figure out a routine on her own then we will organise a meeting for her to teach the performer, Thea.

Story board and animatics

We then finished off our storyboard with writing in the time and what happens in each shot so our next task was to begin making our animatics which is a very vague stop motion type video showing our ideas for shots. In doing this we realised that our shots were too long to be an upbeat music video for a pop type genre so we needed to make some changes by adding shots. We added a few close ups and gave a more varied type of shot because to begin with all our shots were pretty similar being long shots. Our deadline for the animatics is 20th December, we will have completed ours by the deadline. When creating the animatics we had difficulties with the software however it became more simple the more we played around with it. We used colleges cameras and uploaded them to the computer and edited the video in premier pro. We then needed to download the track so we could fit it all together, we did this first before putting any images in so we could make sure they all fitted to the timings we required. We downloaded the song using youtube converter which made it quick and easy.
This lesson 19/12/12 we will be finishing off the animatics for the deadline, we are going to change the shot list which we started on, last friday because we have changed a few of the shots timings.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Music Video Planning

11th December.
Syra and I began creating our storyboard for our music video. We spoke about different shots we would use and timing.

  • We discussed that we are still using our model Thea which we used for the digipak, we are going to use her as the artist and there will be a high level of performance. 
  • We also spoke about the costume we would have her in and that we didn't want too many costume changes to make it less complicated. We have decided on bright colours for the costume with lots of sporting type gear. 
  • Our locations are going to be simple to use however we will need to organise with a fitness centre as to when we can have access to a boxing ring. We are also going to use a graffiti wall by nunnery wood and the canal. 
  • The props we are going to use are boxing gloves, cupcakes and a dog for the first few scenes. 
We are begining our shot list and finishing our storyboard today, we may change around a few shots if we are not happy. We are going to use synasthasia on lots of the shots because the track has a very clear beat to it so we think it will fit well.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Photoshoot organisation

I have organised the photoshoot to be done on Wed 19th of December with Syra as we are both using the same model. I have borrowed most of the props from friends, I have borrowed boxing gloves from Holly, sports bra from Claire and I brought in the jewellery myself. I am using one of the colleges cameras and will then edit the photo's using photoshop. The setting I am using for most of my images will be the college as they have backgrounds and lighting perfect for the effect I want to create. I am going to take 2 images using a white background and 2 using a black one. I was unable to find a boxing ring willing to let me photograph in so I had to change my CD inlay image which I had decided on back up for it initially.